Friday, January 22, 2010

An Old Scottish Village

Nice old image of a Scottish village from the early 1900s. The interesting thing is that this one has - in close-up anyway - rather a lot of figures in it, especially children who would probably be recognisable to their offspring. I suppose there's even a chance that some of them may still be going strong!


Scottish Nanna said...

I love your photo My grannie used to live in a house like that or a bothy as she used to call it.Have A good week .
Hugs Mary.

Sylvia said...

Beautiful picture !
I think old pictures are very interesting.

Best wishes,

De 4 årstidene said...

I love old pictures:-) Do you know the name of the village ?

Catherine Czerkawska said...

It's Kirkmichael, in South Ayrshire - although there are various other villages names Kirkmichael in the UK, elsewhere in Scotland, and also in the Isle of Man.