My very talented husband, artist Alan Lees, has just completed the above picture of Saint Patrick banishing the snakes from Ireland. This one took a very long time to complete, with a number of changes along the way, but I have to say that I think this is his best yet - I just love it! It's a very large canvas in acrylics and my photograph doesn't really do full justice to the vibrant colours, and the sheen on the gold, on his robe, his belt and his staff.
At the moment, the plan is to have this properly photographed, and then to make canvas prints, and satin finish poster prints from it, in various sizes, as well as some postcards, so that it can be shared, worldwide. We don't plan to sell the original just yet! The big canvas prints would be suitable for schools and churches, although to be honest, I would be quite happy to live with this picture of an early Celtic saint forever. I don't know quite why, but I just love this picture - I love the strength of the saint - I love the greens of the Irish landscape, and the foxgloves and clumps of thrift, as well as Croagh Patrick and the shadowy little church in the background. I'll blog about it again, as soon as the various prints are available.